Large Garden Bed

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Large Garden Bed

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Product Information

The raised garden bed is a perfect

Call Plastic Tanks Qld on 07 3271 1305

to save water.

The raised garden bed is a perfect addition to any patio, deck or yard. It allows you to recycle the water used to water the plants/herbs/flowers by storing it in a tank below, with the addition of a hand pump. All at an easy-to-reach height convenient for those in standing and/or in wheel chairs. Comes with manual pump and hose to water plants from the inbuilt tank


Holds approximately half a meter of potting mix or soil in garden bed and stores approximately 600 litres in the tank.

Length 2240 mm Height 720 mm Width 900 mm

Depth of Bed Section - 340mm

Quality one-piece rotomoulded

UV Maximum Protection

Made with 100% food grade polyethylene material - to Australian Standards AS2070/AS4020

Large colour range available

Made in Australia by Plastic Tanks QLD

100% BPA Free

Delivery, a Plastic Tank representative will call you to discuss pricing.

Sizes shown are approximate. Capacities listed are approximate maximum volumes. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Uses: Garden/herb/flower beds, drinks & ice storage, easy to reach baths for pets.

Raised Garden Bed How-to:

Step 1: Choose the ideal location for your raised garden bed tank

HINT: Take into consideration how much sunlight the area gets and how flat the surface is, as you want a stable surface for the garden bed to rest on. If there is a slope to the ground surface, please ensure that the overflow is placed at the lowest point.

Step 2: Place fly screen, duramat or shade cloth to cover the drainage holes in the bottom of the bed section. This will help ensure that any soil or other particles do not get into the tank area.

Step 3: Select a quality mixture of compost, topsoil and manure to ensure optimal growth for your plants.

Step 4: Plant to allow the best growing space for each individual plant.

Step 5: Add fertiliser.

Step 6: Fill the water-tank section halfway via hose, a connection to a pre-existing rainwater tank or a downpipe connection.

Step 7: Water the plants using the hand-held pump and hose extension.

Step 8: Enjoy your garden!


 100% Recyclable Plastic


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